Windows 8.1 Update download FREE
Microsoft has released a rather significant update to Windows 8.1. For those of you who use a keyboard and mouse, the update is a big
Microsoft has released a rather significant update to Windows 8.1. For those of you who use a keyboard and mouse, the update is a big
Live tile in windows 8.1 is ANIMATING tile i.e after some time content of app TILE (Not inside app but on start screen tile) changes
Folks! Let see how we can add Punjab Youth Festival’s settings flyout in windows 8.1 app for Microsoft Hackathon 2014. Remember, its an easy breasy
Posters of Microsoft Hackathon 2014 at Punjab Youth Festival Kindly use hash tag: #PYFHack
How to share text with other apps (Project Files : Download Here)
It was Monday 10th Feb 2014 when I received confirmation of internship at Microsoft. I was so glad that I will be working for one