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Shania Riaz

Shania Riaz

Shania Riaz is Wordpress Designer at Hfarazm Software. Her expertise includes Wordpress Customization and Bug Fixing. She holds a Software Engineering Degree from The University of Central Punjab, Lahore.

If we add title and description in category archive pages to our DIVI theme , it helps the users to know where they are. Let’s add title and description to Divi archive/category pages:

Step 1 . DIVI Theme how to Install File Manager

Its very simple to install file manager in DIVI theme. Here you only follow these
steps to install file manager.

  1. Dashboard > Plugins > Add New > Search “File Manager”(Image 1.0)

    Divi Theme: Add Title and Description
    Image 1.0
  2. Install & Activate file manager plugin. (Image 1.1)

    Add Description in Category
    Image 1.1
  3. Goto Dashboard > WP File Manager 
  4. Go to your theme folder. wp-content > themes > Divi

Step 2. Creating category in DIVI Theme

  1. Right click on index.php and duplicate the file.(Image 2.0)

    Divi Theme Add Title in Category
    Image 2.0
  2. Index copy.php will be created.(Image 2.1)
    Divi Theme Add Description and Title
  3. Rename it to category.php.
  4. Cut category.php and paste into your DIVI child theme.
    Divi Theme Title And Description

Step 3. Add Code to category.php

  1. Right click on category.php and open code editor.
  2. Find these lines
    Divi Theme
  3. Insert the following code underneath this.
    <?php if ( have_posts() ) : ?>
      <header class="blog-title">
        <h2><?php printf( __( '%s', 'Divi' ), '<span>' . single_cat_title() . '</span>' ); ?></span></h2>
        <?php the_archive_description( '<div class="taxonomy-description">', '</div>' );?>
        <hr class="archive-line"/>
    <?php endif; ?>

    Divi Theme Category archive

  4. Save & close.

Step 4. Add custom CSS – divi custom css (optional)

  1. Goto : Dashboard > Divi > theme options.
  2. Scroll all the way down and add this code to custom CSS.
    .blog-title {
        margin-bottom: 61px;
    hr.archive-line {
       width: 22%;
       float: left;
       border: 0;
       height: 5px;
       background-color: #901688;
  3. Save and check your archive page for the title & description.

Hope you like this tutorial creating a category title in Divi theme 🙂 Kindly share this post to support our site. Thanks.

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