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Hafiz Faraz Mukhtar

Hafiz Faraz Mukhtar

Hafiz Faraz Mukhtar is an expert Web Developer, SEO specialist, and Graphic Designer. Hafiz Faraz is an expert in WordPress design and development. Hire on Upwork | Hire on Fiverr

Toast Notification in Windows Store AppsThis topic discusses the concepts and terminology surrounding toast notifications, which are notifications that appear in the upper-right corner of your screen (upper-left corner for right-to-left (RTL) languages) to allow the app to communicate with the user whether the user is in another app, on the Start screen, or on the desktop. A toast can originate either from a local API call or from the cloud.
Working with toast templates
A toast notification can contain text and/or images, but secondary actions such as buttons are not supported. A toast can also play a system-defined sound when it displays.  Toast notifications can be activated, dismissed, or ignored by the user. When a user taps or clicks the notification, the associated app is launched and the user can expect that the resulting view is related to the content of the notification. A toast notification should be used only for information of high interest to the user, typically involving some form of user opt-in. Therefore, it is a good choice for incoming IM chat requests, and information that the user has opted in to receive. 

There are two types of toast notification:

  • Standard toast: This toast remains on the screen for seven seconds, playing a brief sound to alert the user when it appears.
  • Long-duration toast: This notification stays on the screen for 25 seconds and optionally can play longer, looping audio.

The elements of a toast notification are defined in the toast schema.

For a full list of available toast notification templates, with explanations of each, see Choosing a toast template.

Lets do it now!

1. Open visual studio 13 > New project > Visual C# > Blank App

2. In solution explorer, open MainPage.Xaml and add below lines of code to add a button.

      <Button Click="Button_Click">Show Toast Notification</Button>

3. For your app to communicate through a toast notification, you must declare that it is Toast Capable in your windows store 8.1 app’s manifest file.

Manifest File > Application > Notification > Toast Capabe > Yes

toast notification image

4. Right click button code and select view definition, you will be navigated to button event handler event. Add following lines of code inside curly braces.

string toastXmlString = "<toast>"
                                   + "<visual version='1'>"
                                   + "<binding template='ToastText02'>"
                                   + "<text id='1'>MIC</text>"
                                   + "<text id='2'>Toast Notification Example</text>"
                                   + "</binding>"
                                   + "</visual>"
                                   + "</toast>";

            Windows.Data.Xml.Dom.XmlDocument toastDOM = new Windows.Data.Xml.Dom.XmlDocument();

            // Create a toast, then create a ToastNotifier object to show
            // the toast
            ToastNotification toast = new ToastNotification(toastDOM);

Code explanation: string toastXmlString hold template of toast notification, which is available here.  Next at
Windows.Data.Xml.Dom.XmlDocument it defines xml document object. toastDOM.LoadXml(toastXmlString); loads template and content to toastDOM (document object model). Finally last line shows toast notification.

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